Who made your list? February 15, 2013 Daily Reflection

My calendar and To Do List

We all live busy lives. Many of us have huge calendars hanging on the wall with the events scheduled for each day of the month. We also have our phones with the Google Calendar on them. We have scratch pieces of paper with quickly scrawled out to do lists for the day. We live by our calendars, schedules and To Do Lists. What important events make the list? What important actions must be put on the list?

Has God ever made your list, calendar or schedule for the day?

I set up an alarm three years ago for 8:00 am every morning. My phone goes off and GOD appears on my phone every day. It is a great way to be reminded to say Good Morning to God; to thank Him for the day; to pray to Him and to center my thoughts for the day ahead on God.

It sounds crazy! I know, but if you put God at the top of your list daily then you will be reminded of who you should start the day with each and every day of your life.

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