We Gather, February 6 Sunday Tidbit


Sun shine across the pew from the stained glass window

Early in the morning after the children are settled in school I enter the huge Church doors that say “God Alone”. Finding my familiar pew I nod good morning to the usuals gathered comfortably. The quiet of the Church is so soothing to my soul. I can see the sun poking its light just ever so slightly through the oranges and reds of the stained glass windows as if God is saying “Good morning.” We sit, we stand, we listen, we pray. We bare our souls to God deep within and we receive God in word and sacrament. There are no more than ten or twelve of us the majority over the age of 70, those dedicated to this sacred tradition. Their presence consistent and respectful, welcoming and loving, they are together as one body as we pray as one Church.

For where two or three are gathered in God’s name, God is there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)

God is there at the morning Mass in the words of the scriptures, in the sacrament of the Eucharist, in the united voices of “The Our Father”, in the whispers under the breath of the little old lady behind me saying “Please God please…” Daily morning Mass short, lacking all music or song, few followers present but in those sacred moments God fills that Church completely.

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