Do you say yes to God? December 8, 2016 Daily Reflection



When Saint Gabriel visited Mary he asked if she would carry the son of God. Mary said yes. Mary had the free will to say no, she was only a teenager. She said yes.

Do you say yes to God? In our lives we are given choices daily. We can choose to follow God’s way or our culture’s ways. We can take the time to be selfless or do what the world expects and be self-absorbed. Our culture says to think about #1, me, I, and no one else. God is counter cultural and says die to yourself so that I may live through you. Do you allow God to live through you? Or do you continue to ignore that voice you perceive as “nagging” you to make a change and to go outside of your comfort zone?

Today, pay attention to the choices in your day that you could be selfless or selfish and truly consider the choices before you take action. Consider saying Yes to God just like Mary did. She said yes and it changed the course of the world. What could your yes to God do to our world? It could change every person around you!


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