Rest, August 6 Sunday Tidbit

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,

and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11: 28

Spencer and Jake in a pew at our Church.

Spencer and Jake in a pew at our Church.

Spencer has his head leaning on the pew looking at the stained glass window.  He looks at rest. Notice how there is room in the pew with them and in front of them?  Pray about going back to Church.  If you have never been or have stayed away what seems like forever. Today say a little prayer and pick a Church to visit, it does not have to be a commitment the first step is just walking into a Church.  We think that sleep will give us rest and it does give our physical body rest.  The only rest our soul can find is with God.  Try it out and find rest with God today, try to find it in a Church any Church you pick it.

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