No Regrets, November 15, 2015 Sunday Tidbit

2012-01-10 15.31.41It drives me crazy when my students say, “No Regrets, have fun and don’t regret anything you have done!” This is not a Christian or a mature attitude. Those of us who are more mature realize that we learn from our regrets and if we do not reflect on our mistakes and try to reconcile and then grow from them then they were all in vain. Our life’s journey is to have experiences, to love, care for others and be in relationship others. We make mistakes so we should have regrets. We should feel remorse, apologize, reflect on how we could do it differently in the future, and become more responsible and mature because of the experience.

Don’t let the regrets drag you down instead learn from them and allow them to build you up so you will be better for others.

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