My Students and Prayers, September 10, 2013 Daily Reflection

Praying – the most direct connection to God

As a theology teacher I think the most important goal that I have is to move my students closer to God. My purpose in life is to move people closer to God through my writing, speaking, teaching and mothering. In all that I do I am to follow my calling from God.

So in my theology classes I have a prayer assignment. Each student has an assignment to create and lead a prayer. I have modeled prayers for my students from Traditional prayers, to meditating on the scripture readings to prayer intentions, to times in the chapel and outside. I am leading my students to discover a prayer life with God. I cannot ask them to do anything with God if that don’t talk to Him first.

I have enjoyed this journey observing my students as they begin to respect one another more during prayer. Some of them are starting to share more about their faith with one another. I pray that they are becoming more comfortable with God.

Through this process I have listened to new prayers and old. I am inclined to share some of my favorite prayers with all of you. Enjoy… and please pray for my students to connect with God on a personal level.

An Irish Prayer

May God give you…

For every storm, a rainbow

For every tear, a smile

For every care, a promise

And a blessing in each trial

For every problem life sends

A faithful friend to share

For every sigh, a sweet song

And an answer for each prayer


An Old Irish Blessing:

 May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face and rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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