How do you look? October 12, 2016 Daily Reflection



In my current course, Faith Development and Spirituality, Ronald Rolheiser writes, “Up until age forty, genetic endowment is dominant and that is why, up until that age, we can be selfish and still look beautiful. From then onward, though, we look like what we believe in.” Think about some of the people you know over the age of 40. Are they happy, kind, caring, and sympathetic, even Christ like? Now, think of those you know over age 40 who are angry, negative, and just self serving. Let the mental image of that person appear in your mind. Is that person kind, loving, and beautiful or is that person unkind, sarcastic, and unattractive. At that age its as if our blinders are off and we are able to see a person for the essence of who they are not how their facial characteristics are arranged. It’s as though the light of God shines through their lives and makes them radiant and beautiful. Or they don’t allow God’s love into their lives.

This idea begs the question…what do you look like? Who do you see when you look in the mirror? Are you old, haggard, and angry? Or are you radiant with the beauty of God shining through your life? Take a long hard look and see what others see when they look at you. Now, consider if you want to change or not….

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