Letting Go, March 22, 2013 Daily Reflection

Marlin and Dory inside the Whale in Finding Nemo

In this life there will be times of pain, loss and confusion.  It is in those times we must hold on tightly to God, lean on him, trust in him and have hope because he promised he would remain with us always. Through these dark times growth and transformation will occur. When a seed is planted deep in the earth, alone and broken the growth begins. Many times we feel alone, broken and isolated. We don’t believe in those times that God is with us but He is. If you just hold on to God when you feel broken and embrace the letting go you will be transformed.

Do you remember the movie “Finding Nemo”? When Marlin and Dory are hanging on to the whale’s tongue  in the whale and Dory tells Marlin “He (the whale) says its time to let go. Everything is going to be alright.”  Marlin says “How do you know nothing bad is going to happen?” Dory replies “I don’t.” and then she lets go. Marlin with resistance let’s go and they are shot out of the whale’s blowhole into the ocean closer to where Nemo will be found.

We are Marlin in so many ways. We want to hold on to our control and not trust anyone else. But when we allow ourselves to let go and let our lives be in God’s hands we find growth, peace and true life. Today place your wounds, your sadness, your confusion and control in God’s hands and let it go. Then see what happens next.

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