For the good, March 10, 2012 Saturday Tidbit

My son and my brother two people in my life who know how to love others well!

What do we do for the good of others? Do we smile, laugh, listen, comfort, compliment or console others?

What do we do for the good of us? Do we eat right, exercise our bodies and our minds, feed our spirituality, take time to relax, listen, laugh, comfort, compliment or console?

How much easier is it to be good to others but not ourselves? Or is it easier to just take care of me and let others handle their own load? It depends on who we are in life.

Who are you the one who cares for others and neglects yourself or the opposite? If you are both then you have found an excellent balance. The key to living is striking that balance to be good to others as well as yourself.

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

 – Mark 12:31

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