Bibles, March 9, 2014 Sunday Tidbit

My Bible

My Bible

As Catholics there was an intentional distance from the Bible. In the past we were not advised to read the Bible because we, the lay people, could not understand it. Vatican II changed everything in the 1960’s and we were encouraged to read the Bible and the language of the Sunday Liturgy changed so we could hear it being proclaimed to us weekly. In fact if you go to Church every Sunday for 3 years you will hear 90% of the Bible.

We are also encouraged to read the Bible in our homes. My Bible is worn because I use it. I reference it, look up scripture readings and read it. The Bible is the inspired word of God. We are suppose to be close to God so don’t put it on a shelf and let it collect dust. Hold it, open it, pray with it, read it and let the Word of God inspire you daily.

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