It’s the little things, September 22, 2011 Daily Reflection

Heather's fruit face

It’s the little things in life that make us giggle, smile, laugh and just feel good inside. Why do we always reach for the biggest things? Why can’t we just appreciate the little things?  What do we think the big things will do once we have them in our possession? Do we really want those things to build our egos and make us feel better about who we are as a person?

A fruit face, a jelly kiss, a text that says “thanks for all you do for me & the kids daily it keeps us going”, a warm hug, a sweet smile, a good night mommy as she is falling asleep, a sunrise, a sunset, a giggle, a laugh, a corny joke, a place to rest, a home to share and people to love; it’s the simple things in life we should treasure each and every moment of every day.

The big stuff may come your way if you keep working towards it and that is fine as long as you don’t ignore the most important stuff along the way…the moments…ordinary…simple moments of each and every day.

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