God is calling you out, April 28, 2015 Daily Reflection

My Patio

My Patio

Yesterday evening I sat in my Adirondack chair on the back yard patio with my feet propped up on the fire pit, the setting sun was shining into my eyes. As I closed them I could still feel the light illuminating my soul. I listened to the chirping of the robins and the maple seeds scrapping across the concrete of the patio, I felt at peace. The cool breeze glided across my legs. I relaxed next to my husband and took in the beauty of green grass, the sounds of nature, and people taking long walks in the neighborhood. Spring is calling each of us out of our boxes into the wide open to appreciate the fresh air, and God’s creation.

Today, discover a place of calm. Let the sun shine on your face, listen to nature and feel the breeze gently brush across your soul. Allow God a bit of time in his lovely creation he calls spring.

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