Essay Question (Are you ready?) December 4, 2014 Daily Reflection

WritingIn honor of my hours of grading I have decided to blog an essay question I wrote for my juniors on their test for Holy Orders. I think it is important that in all that I teach them they can internalize the lesson and apply it to their own lives. How would you answer this complex question? Feel free to leave your comments.

Each of us in our own lives have been “called” by God to find our meaning and live out our purpose. Many of us can’t hear the call because of the distractions in our lives. Name some of the distractions that take you away from listening to that call. Explain how you can change those distractions so you hear God more clearly in your life.

Another part of discerning a vocation is having someone to guide you along the way. If you could choose a spiritual guide either from history or from the world today, someone to be present and talk with you in your everyday life, whom would you choose—other than Jesus?  Explain your choice.

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  1. Jan Redle

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