Domestic Church, July 26, 2015 Sunday Tidbit

My family shoveling snow for a neighbor

My family shoveling snow for a neighbor

Many wonderful ideas and a reimergence of returning to the life of the early church came from Vatican II. One of which is the idea that the “domestic church” is our faith in our home, taught by parents, lived through example for their children. It all starts with two people loving each other and marrying, creating children and raising them within a life filled with love, self sacrifice, and faith.

What do you do in your family that is teaching your children the values of God? Do you love your spouse as Jesus loves the Church. Do you only speak respectfully of your spouse, put your family first, and make faith a priority in your family? It’s never too late to start. It all starts at home. What lessons do you want your children to learn and carry on for a lifetime? What you do today will form their attitude for tomorrow.

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